Bus service alterations and recommendations
Bus service alterations and recommendations
Due to Carnival events organised on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 March, bus services will be affected in the streets the parades go through:
1. Carmel Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5.15 p.m to 8 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carretera del Carmel with Carrer de Müñhberg anb goes along Carrer de Calderón de la Barca, Carrer del Llobregós, Carrer del Pantà de Tremp and Carrer de Dante Alighieri and ends at Rambla del Carmel.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H2, V21, 19 and 119.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: El Carmel (L5) and El Coll / La Teixonera (L5).
2. Les Corts Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. approx.
- Route: it starts at Plaça de Comas and goes along Carrers de Joan Güell, Travessera de les Corts, Carrer de Galileu, Carrer d'Europa, Carrer del Doctor Ibañez, Carrer de Solà, Carrer de Numància and ends at Plaça de Can Rosés.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: V5, V7, H8, 59 and 78.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Les Corts (L3)
3. Nou Barris Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Via Júlia with Carrer de l'Artesania, crosses Via Favència and goes along Carrer de Sant Francesc Xavier and ends at Plaça d'Àngel Pestaña.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: D40, D50, H2, V29, 60, 76, 127, 132 and 134.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Llucmajor (L4) and Via Júlia (L4).
4. Camp d'en Grassot and Gràcia Nova Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Plaça de la Sedeta and goes along Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, Carrer del Roger de Flor, Travessera de Gràcia, Carrer de Sardenya, Carrer de Còrsega, Carrer de Grassot and Carrer de la Indústria, continues to Passatge de Llavallol and ends at Plaça de la Sedeta.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H8, 47 and Barcelona Bus Turístic (Blue Route)
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Sagrada Família (L2/L5) and Joanic (L4).
5. CC Cotxeres Borrell Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Viladomat and goes along Carrer del Parlament, Ronda de Sant Pau, Carrer de Tamarit and Jardinets de l'Alguer.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: D50, H14, H16, V9, V11, 13, 21, 55, 91, 120, 121 and 141.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Paral·lel (L2/L3), Poble Sec (L3) and Sant Antoni (L2).
6. Prosperitat Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Pablo Iglesias and goes along Carrer de Tissó and ends at Via Júlia.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: D50, H2, 76 and 132.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Via Júlia (L4).
7. Sants Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 3.30 p.m. to 9 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Sants and Rambla de Badal, goes along Carrer de Sants and Carrer de la Creu Coberta and ends at Carrer de Béjar.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H10, V5, 70 and 115.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Badal (L5), Plaça de Sants (L1/L5) and Hostafrancs (L1).
8. Clot Camp de l'Arpa Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Passeig de Maragall and goes along Carrer de Rogent, Carrer de la Sèquia Comtal, Carrer del Cabanyal and Parc del Clot.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H10, V25, 33, 34, 62 and 192.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Camp de l'Arpa (L5) and Clot (L1/L2).
9. Horta Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de les Lletres and goes along Carrer de Dante Alighieri, Carrer d'Estoril, Carrer de Granollers, Passeig de Maragall, Carrer de Tajo, Carrer de Lisboa, Carrer de Porto and ends at Parc de les Rieres d'Horta.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H2, V21, V23, V25, 19, 112 and 185.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Horta (L5).
10. Verdun Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Luz Casanova and goes along Carrer d'Andròmeda, Carrer de Casals i Cuberó, Carrer de la Font de Canyelles, Carrer de Joan Riera, Carrer de Viladrosa and Via Favència.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: D40, D50, H2, V29, 76 and 134.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Llucmajor (L4) and Via Júlia (L4).
11. Vila de Gràcia Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Plaça de Trilla and goes along Carrer de Gran de Gràcia, Travesera de Gràcia, Carrer de Milà i Fontanals, Carrer de Puigmartí, Carrer del Torrent de l'Olla and Carrer del Diluvi and ends at Plaça de la Vila de Gràcia.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: V17, 22, 24 and 114.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Diagonal (L3/L5) and Fontana (L3).
12. Roquetes Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de la Mina de la Ciutat, and goes along Carrer de las Torres, Carrer d'Alcántara, Carrer de Garigliano, Carrer de Romaní, Carrer de Jaume Pinent and ends at Via Favència.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: D50, H2, V29, 27, 60, 76, 127 and 134.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Roquetes (L3) and Via Júlia (L4).
13. El Coll Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Plaça de la Laguna de Lanao and goes along Carrer de la Font del Remei, Carrer de Pau Ferran, Baixada de Sant Marià, Carrer de Móra d'Ebre, Carrer de la Font del Coll, Carrer del Beat Almató, Carrer dels Santuaris, Passeig de la Mare de Déu del Coll and ends at Parc de la Creueta del Coll.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: V19, 22 and 129.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: El Coll / La Teixonera (L5).
14. Correfoc del Coll
- Date: Saturday 10 February.
- Time: de 7.30 p.m. to 10 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts in Parc de la Creueta del Coll and goes along Passeig de la Mare de Déu del Coll, Carrer dels Santuaris and Plaça de Salvador Allende.
- Línies afectades que es desviaran o se'n limitarà el recorregut: V19, 22 and 129.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: El Coll / La Teixonera (L5).
15. Sant Martí de Provençals Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 10.30 a.m. to 2 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Rambla de Guipúscoa and goes along Carrer de Puigcerdà and ends at Plaça de la Palmera de Sant Martí.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H10, V29 and 33.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Bac de Roda (L2) and Sant Martí (L2).
16. La Marina Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Passeig de la Zona Franca and goes along Carrer de la Mineria, Plaça de les Matemàtiques, Carrer de la Mare de Déu del Port and ends in Carrer de la Foneria.
- Bus affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H16, V3, V5, 13, 109 and 125.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Foneria (L10 Sud) and Foc (L10 Sud).
17. Poblenou Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 4 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Rambla del Poblenou with Carrer de Tànger and goes until Carrer del Doctor Trueta.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 136 and 192.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Poblenou (L4) and Llacuna (L4).
18. La Teixonera Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer d'Arenys and goes along Carrer d'Iriarte, Carrer de Segur, Carrer de Saturnino Calleja, Carrer de Coll Alentorn, Passeig de la Vall d'Hebrón and ends at Plaça de la Vall d'Hebron.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H2, 19 and 119.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: El Coll / La Teixonera (L5) and Vall d'Hebron (L3/L5).
19. Prim - Besòs Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 4.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Centre Cívic Besòs, from Rambla de Prim and goes along Carrer de Cristóbal de Moura, Carrer d'Alfons el Magnànim, Carrer de Llull, Carrer del Maresme, Carrer de Cristóbal de Moura amb ends at Rambla de Prim.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H14, V31 and 136.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Besòs Mar (L4) and El Maresme - Fòrum (L4).
20. Trinitat Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: 4.30 to 8.30 pm, approx.
- Route: it starts in Plaça de Josep Andreu i Abelló and goes along Carrer de Galícia, Carrer de la Mare de Déu de Lorda, Carrer de la Foradada, Turó de la Trinitat, Carrer de la Madriguera and Via de Bàrcino.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: V31, 62, 76, 126, 127 and 133.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Trinitat Vella (L1).
21. Can Peguera Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 11. a.m. to 12 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Biure and goes along Carrer de Ribelles, Carrer de Cabanelles, Carrer de Vilaseca, Carrer de Montagut, Carrer de Riells, Carrer de Llafrancm Passeig d'Urrutia and ends at Plaça de Josep Maria Jaen.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 122.
22. Can Verdaguer (Porta) Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5.00 p.m to 6.00 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Avinguda de Río de Janeiro with Carrer de Piferrer and goes along Carrer de Velià, Passeig de Fabra i Puig, Carrer de Pi i Molist, Carrer d'Alcúdia and ends at Carrer de Valldemossa.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: D40, D50, H6, V27, V29, 34, 47, 122, 132, 134 and 182.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Fabra i Puig (L1), Llucmajor (L4) and Virrei Amat (L5).
23. LGTBIQ+ Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Plaça de la Universitat and goes along Carrer d'Aribau, Carrer del Consell de Cent, Carrer de Villarroel, gran via de les Corts Catalanes until Plaça de la Universitat.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H12, V11, V13, 54, 59, 63, 67 and 141.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Universitat (L1/L2) and Urgell (L1).
24. Congrés i els Indians Carnival Parade
- Date: Sunday 2 March.
- Time: from 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Concepción Arenal and goes along Carrer de Garcilaso, Carrer de Francesc Tàrrega, Carrre d'Alexandre, Carrer de Felip II and ends at Plaça del Congrés Eucarístic.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: V27 and 191.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Congrés (L5) and La Sagrera (L1/L5).
25. La Sagrera Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 4.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Mercat de Felip II and goes along Carrer d'Olesa, Carrer de les Antilles, Carrer d'Antonio Ricardos, Carrer del Pacífic, Carrer Gran de la Sagrera, Carrer de la Ciutat d'Elx, Carrer d'Indústria, Carrer d'Hondures, Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, Carrer de Vallès i Ribot, Carrer de Martí Molins, Carrer de Filipines and ends at Plaça dels Jardins d'Elx.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H8, V29, V31, 34 and 126.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: La Sagrera (L1/L5).
26. Bon Pastor Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 4. p.m. to 8 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Biosca and goes along Carrer de Sant Adrià, Carrer de Sas and ends at Carrer de la Costa Daurada.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H4, H8, V33, 60 and 133.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Bon Pastor (L9N/L10N)
27. Montbau Carnival Parade
- Date: Sunday 2 March.
- Time: from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Vayreda and goes along Carrer de Joan Sales, Plaça de Mossèn Ferran Palau, Carrer de Joan Sales, Carrer de la Poesia, Carrer de Benlliure, Carrer de la Arquitectura, Carrer d'Àngel Marquès and ends at Plà de Montbau.
- Bus affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: V21.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Montbau (L3).
28. Sant Andreu Carnival Parade
- Date: Sunday 2 March.
- Time: from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Concepció Arenal, Passeig de Fabra i Puig, Carrer de Gran de Sant Andreu, Carrer de Joan Torras, Passeig de Torras i Bages and ends at Plaça de Can Fabra.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H4, H6, H8, V31, 11, 34, 126 and 133.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Fabra i Puig (L1), Sant Andreu (L1) and Onze de Setembre (L9N/L10N)
29. Eixample Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March
- Time: from 5.30 p.m. to 8 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Nàpols between Carrer de Provença and Carrer de Rosselló. It goes along Carrer de Rosselló, Carrer de Sardenya, Carrer de Provença and ends at Carrer de Nàpols.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: Barcelona Bus Turístic (Blue Route)
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Sagrada Família (L2/L5).
30. Poble Sec Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March
- Time: from 5.00 p.m. to 8 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Plaça del Sortidor, goes along Carrer de Magalhaes, Carrer de Mare de Déu del Remei, Carrer de la Font Honrada and ends at Plaça Santa Madrona.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 121
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Poble Sec (L3).
31. Sagrada Família Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March
- Time: from 4.30 p.m. to 9 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Nàpols, goes along Carrer de Sardenya, Carrer de Provença and Carrer de Nàpols.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: Barcelona Bus Turístic (Blue Route)
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Sagrada Família (L2/L5).
32. Guinardó Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March
- Time: from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Casal Mas Guinardó, goes along Passatge dels Garrofers, Plaça del Nen de la Rutlla, Avinguda de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat, Carrer dels Periodistes, Plaça del Guinardó, Carrer d'Anna Maria Martínez Sagi, Ronda del Guinardó, Passatge de Llívia, Mercat del Guinardó and ends at Plaça de Rosa Galobardes.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: D40, H6, V23 and 117.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Guinardó-Hospital de Sant Pau (L4).
33. Fort Pienc Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March
- Time: from 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Plaça del Fort Pienc, goes along Carrer de Ribes, Carrer de Sicília, Carrer d'Ausiàs Marc, Carrer de Roger de Flor, Carrer de Casp, Carrer de la Marina, Carrer de Ribes and Plaça del Fort Pienc.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 54.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Tetuan (L2) and Arc de Triomf (L1).
Other Carnival Parades
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Plaça del Rellotge anb goes along Carrer del Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer, Carrer de Sant Just, Avinguda de la Generalitat and ends in Plaça de la Vila.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: V33.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Santa Coloma (L1) and Fondo (L1/L9N)
Montcada i Reixac Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., appox.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de la Bifurcació, goes along Carrer de la Bateria, Carrer de la Masia, Carrer de la Mina, Avinguda de la Unitat, Carrer d'Elionor, Carrer Major, Pont dels Hermanos, Rambla dels Països Catalans, Camí de la Font Freda and ends at Pavelló de Miquel Poblet.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 96 and 155.
Sant Adrià Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., appox.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Torrassa with Carrer de la Platja and goes along Plaça Macià Pi i Gibert, Avinguda de Catalunya, Plaça de la Vila, Carrer de Josep Royo, Carrer de Ricart and ends at Plaça de la Vila.
- Bus affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: H14.
Esplugues de Llobregat Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de la Verge de la Mercè, and goes along Carrer de Molí and Carrer dels Jocs Florals, Avinguda de la Ciutat de l'Hospitalet, Carrer d'Enrique Tierno Galván, Carrer de la Lleialtat, Plaça de Sant Lluís Gonçaga, Carrer de Josep Anselm Clavé, Carrer de Laureà Miró, Pont Esplugues, Avinguda de Cornellà, Carrer de Ramón y Cajal and ends at Plaça de Catalunya.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 63, 67, 68, 78 and 157.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Can Vidalet (L5) and Pubilla Cases (L5).
Sant Joan Despí Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., appox.
- Route: it starts at Rambla de Josep Maria Jujol anb goes along Carrer de Frederic Casas, Camí del Mig, Carrer de Jacint Verdaguer, Carrer de Catalunya, Carrer de Bon viatge, Avinguda de Barelona, Carrer de Gran Capitán, Carrer de Sant Antoni, Carrer de la Mare de Déu de la Mercè, Carrer d'Àngel Guimerà, Carrer de John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Plaça d'Espanya, Carrer de Joan Maragall, Plaça de Sant Joan, Carrer del Marquès de Monistrol and ends in Carrer de la Fontsanta.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 78.
Cornellà de Llobregat Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 5 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer del Bonestar and goes along Carrer del Empordà, Carrer de la Miranda, Avinguda de Sant Ildefons, Avinguda de la República Argentina, Carrer de Mossèn Andreu and ends at Plaça de Catalunya.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 67, 94 and 95.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: Gavarra (L5) and Sant Ildefons (L5).
El Prat de Llobregat Carnival Parade
- Date: Saturday 1 March.
- Time: from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Avinguda Pare Andreu de Palma, goes along Avinguda Verge de Montserrat and goes along Avinguda del Remolarm Carrer de Lleida and ends at Plaça de Catalunya.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 21 and 65.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest stations to the area with traffic restrictions: El Prat (L9S) and Cèntric (L9S).
Morning Cornellà de Llobregat Carnival Parade
- Date: Sunday 2 March.
- Time: from 11 a.m. to 1. p.m., approx.
- Route: it starts at Carrer de Rubio i Ors until Rambla d'Anselm Clavé and ends at Plaça de l'Església.
- Buses affected that will be diverted or operate on a shorter route: 67 and 68.
- Recommended transport: to get about in areas where the parade passes through, take the metro. Nearest station to the area with traffic restrictions: Cornellà Centre (L5).
If the metro become overcrowded, follow the instructions given by staff, who will be in contact with the authorities, over the PA system and on illuminated signs.
More information
For any queries, TMB provides users with an information and citizen service helpline 900 701 149 (Monday to Sunday, from 08:00 am to 9:00 pm) and also an information and customer service account on X (Monday to Friday workdays from 07:00 am to 8:00 pm)
If you would like information on other upcoming events that may affect public transport services or any other transport recommendations, go to the Service Status section.
