Awards and acknowledgements
Awards received by TMB in recent years.
- Recognition from the ECOM Foundation for its track record as an inclusive company through promoting policies for equal opportunities in the workplace and in favor of people with disabilities. (2008)
- Award for accessibility to the transport network from the Catalan Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ACCDV). (2009)
- Award from the Catalan Association for the Visually Impaired B1+B2+B3 for accessibility. (2010)
- Recognition from the Sant Jordi Amputees' Association at the Functional Diversity Forum for introducing universal accessibility into all forms of public transport.(2012)
- Award for accessibility to the TMB website. (2013)
- Bronze award in 2015 from the Catalan Association of Primary Immune Deficiency (ACADIP) for the campaign “Mou-te per les malalties minoritàries” (take action against rare diseases), run as a charitable initiative by TMB in 2014. (2015)
- Innova eVia Award for research into accessibility of information on the bus and metro. (2016)
- AA Award for the new responsive TMB corporate website and the TMB Foundation website granted by the consultancy Ilunion, experts in accessibility. (2017)
- Ricard Vaccaro Ethics and Social Commitment Award, in the Accessibility and Universal Design category, for a project on digital signage accessible within the metro and bus network, given by the Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities (COCEMFE). (2019)
- Barcelona, finalist in the Accessible City awards of the European Commission, opting to be an accessible city in 2022. Public transport is one of the main criteria. (2021)
- Award from among the candidates for the Zero Project 2022 awards for accessibility in the new metro trains. (2021)
- ECOM Federation Right to Accessibility Award. (2022)
- Certification of excellence to the FPDUAL, granted by the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia. (2024)
Communication and marketing
- Prizewinner in the institutional category of the Premios Dirigentes awards. (2009)
- Award from the Internal Communication and Corporate Identity Observatory for best practices in the fields of internal communication and internal corporate social responsibility.(2011)
- Finalist in the customer focus category at the second edition of the Telefónica Ability Awards. (2012)
- Award from the Press Offices Committee of the Journalists Association of Catalonia to recognize the 2011 campaign “Tria la teva causa” (Choose your cause) for having the best communication plan.
- Award from the Internal Communication and Corporate Identity Observatory in the innovation category for the documentary “Metropolità”. (2012)
- Silver Emporia Award in the corporate application category for the company stand at the BcnRail 2015 trade fair. (2016)
- Silver Laus Award for the Karma campaign, run by TMB and the agency BUM, in the category of exterior advertising, granted by the Association of Graphic Designers for the Promotion of Decorative Arts (ADG-FAD). (2018)
- Finalist of the Asociación DEC Awards for the construction of the Metro Customer Journey Map, a tool that offers the diagnosis of the customer experience and helps to design, manage and operationalize the experience of our customers. (2020)
- Company of the Year Award from Autobuses y Autocares magazine. (2022)
Innovation and technology
- SAP award for business innovation. (2008)
- Bronze award in the category of business transformation at the SAP Quality Awards. (2014)
- Finalist at the Industrial Excellence Awards run by the Celsa group and IESE in recognition of the company's drive towards innovation and its efforts in redesigning the bus network. (2017)
Social responsability
- Bonaplata Award to the TMB Foundation for the recovery and restoration of the Aclo Regent III bus, number 410. (2011)
- Award winner in the public administrations and entities category of the Co-Responsible Awards (Correspondibles Foundation). (2012)
- Bonaplata Award presented to the TMB Foundation for its collaboration with the Association of the Museum of Science and Technology and Industrial Archaeology of Catalonia (AMCTAIC). (2014)
- Distinction awarded by the publishing company Fundación Media Responsable for being a socially responsible company. (2015)
- Bronze award in 2015 from the Catalan Association of Primary Immune Deficiency (ACADIP) for the campaign “Mou-te per les malalties minoritàries” (take action against rare diseases), run as a charitable initiative by TMB in 2014. (2015)
- Seal of Quality from the University of Barcelona Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) for activities undertaken as part of the TMB Educa project.(2016)
- Thanks from the Barcelona fire department to our company for the ongoing collaboration with Buses and Metro, which promotes shared knowledge and facilitates necessary resources such as facilities, materials and knowledge to ensure the training of firefighters. (2020)
- Finalist of the Telefónica Foundation Volunteer 2020 Awards. Bus drivers who are part of the corporate volunteer program participated in the initiative of the Barcelona Health Consortium, Emergency Services and Barcelona Fire Brigade for the travel of patients donated by hospital discharge from Covid-19 but with indication of temporary non-domiciliary confinement. (2020)
- Honorary award of the Mobilicat prices, shared by the entire public transport sector in Catalonia due to the exceptional situation of the Covid-19. TMB was chosen to take it for being one of the main operators.
- Barcelona Medal of Honor to Barcelona society for its work in the fight against covid-19. (2021)
- Award from the International Union of Public Transport for the project in favor of inclusion, diversity and gender equality towards staff and users of public transport. (2022)
- Bonaplata Award to the TMB Foundation for the recovery of the Tilling-Stevens B-83012 bus. (2022)
- Award at the STEM Women Congress for the Talent in Motion activity. (2024)
- Order of Merit of the spanish Policía Nacional in recognition of their collaborative work to ensure the safety of metro and bus users. (2024)
- Recognition for joint collaboration with the Civil Guard on bus safety. (2024)
Human resources and occupational health
- Ignasi Fina Award for Occupational Health won by Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, S.A. (2009)
- Ignasi Fina Award for Occupational Health won by Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, S.A., presented by the Barcelona City Council's Advisory Council for Occupational Health, for the campaign to prevent accidents in the workplace related to psychoactive substances.(2013)
- Certificate for best practices in promoting occupational health and safety (OHS) granted by the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work (INSHT) in collaboration with the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP). (2016)
- Finalist for the Fundació Factor Humà (Human Factor Foundation) Impacta awards for the programme for guidance between active working life and disconnection from the company. (2022)
- MC Mutual Antonio Baró Award for the commitment to the occupational health and safety of workers. (2023)
- Certification of excellence in FPDUAL, awarded by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. (2024).
- Recognition to TMB at the I Catalonia FP BIZ DAY Awards for its participation in vocational training projects. (2025)
- Dedalo Minosse International Prize for architecture to recognize the renovation of the metro stations Drassanes and Sant Andreu. (2011)
- FAD Award for Interior Design for the stations of Mercabarna, Parc Logístic Europa | Fira on Line 9 Sud as iconic examples of the brutalist architecture movement which consists of leaving the concrete exposed in order to appreciate the magnitude and complexity of the infrastructure work. (2016)
- First prize for the interior design of the stations of Mercabarna, Parc Logístic i Europa | Fira on Line 9 Sud at the 16th edition of the Ceramics in Architecture and Interior Design Awards, organized and promoted by the Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers' Association (ASCER. (2018)
- National Architecture Award from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda to the architect Carme Pinós for the Zona Universitària station, on Línia 9 Sud. (2021)