Where can I use T-mobilitat?

Where can I use T-mobilitat?
Where can I use T-mobilitat?
You can use the T-mobilitat in all public transport within the Barcelona integrated fare system.
Specifically, you can validate your T-mobilitat on the following transports.

Metropolitan fare area
You can use the T-mobilitat to ride on public transport run by all operators to travel between the 36 municipalities in the metropolitan fare area.

Up to the sixth ring of ATM Barcelona by FGC and by Rodalies de Catalunya
You can also use the T-mobilitat on the entire FGC and on the Rodalies de Catalunya network in the six fare rings in the Barcelona area. Stations on the Rodalies de Catalunya line to Ripollès are not included, as they correspond to fare ring seven.

Operadors de busos urbans de fora de l'àrea metropolitana
You can also use T-mobilitat on the urban bus lines of Alella, Cabrera de Mar, Caldes de Montbui, Cunit, Gelida, Granollers and its conurbation, Hostalets de Pierola, Igualada, Manresa, el Masnou, Martorell, Mataró, Mollet del Vallès, Palau-solità i Plegamans, Piera, Premià de Mar, Rubí, Sabadell, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Sant Celoni, Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Sant Fost de Campsentelles, Santa Maria de Palautordera, Sitges, Terrassa, Vallirana, Vic, Vilafranca del Penedès, Vilanova i la Geltrú and Vilassar de Mar.

Operadors de busos interurbans
Finally, you can also use T-mobilitat on Exprés.cat intercity lines (e7, e9, e10, e13, e18, e19, e21) and on intercity lines operated by 17 Bages Bus, Alsa, Autocars Comasolivas, Autocars Julià, Coaches Prat, Coaches Pujol, Coaches Rovira, Coaches Vendrell, Bus Castellví, BusGarraf, Cingles Bus, CRA La Hispania, Empresa Casas, Empresa Hillsa, Empresa Plana, Empresa Sagalés, Ferrocarriles y Transportes, Hispano Igualadina (operated by Monbus), Hispano Hilarienca (TEISA), MasatsTG DX, Montferri Hermanos, TGO DX and La Vallesana.