Improvement works on the metro network
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Upcoming improvement works on the metro network
On April 12th and 13th, there will be no service between the L1 Glòries and La Sagrera stations. There will be a special bus service connecting the stations on this section.
Del 12 al 21 d'abril, tots dos inclosos, no hi haurà servei entre les estacions La Pau i Badalona Pompeu Fabra de l'L2. Hi haurà un servei especial de bus que connectarà les estacions d'aquest tram.
From April 12th to 21st, both inclusive, there will be no service between the L2 La Pau and Badalona Pompeu Fabra stations. There will be a special bus service connecting the stations on this section.
We will soon publish two separate service notices with all the specific information about these disruptions and transport alternatives.
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