We are always there

The metro and buses have real-time video surveillance cameras so you can travel safely.

Thanks to video surveillance systems, TMB professionals ensure your safety during all service hours, both on the metro and bus.

Video surveillance in the metro

The metro network has almost 10,000 cameras that are distributed throughout trains and stations, as well as in depots, workshops and other TMB facilities.

These cameras allow users to see what is happening live when they press the SOS or information button on a train or station. The images captured by these video surveillance devices are received by the Metro Control Centre and the Civil Protection and Security Centre.

Video surveillance on the bus

The bus network has more than 4,500 cameras that currently cover practically all of the fleet's regular service.

This video surveillance system allows the Bus Safety Control Center to view images from inside the vehicles in real time, as well as download any of the recordings instantly.

Images available to security forces

The images captured by these video surveillance devices on both the bus and metro networks are recorded and can be reviewed when the Mossos d'Esquadra or other security forces require it.