Face-to-face service
We want you to feel welcome, in our Punt TMB information and customer service centres. And, at the T-mobilitat kiosks, you can sign up for T-mobilitat.
A technical incident in the T-mobilitat system does not allow us to guarantee the optimal support in the in-person centers
Therefore, we recommend that you carry out the T-mobilitat procedures via digital channels if possible and recharge the support from TMB App or from the ticket sales machines on the metro network.
If the T-mobilitat support does not work properly, please contact the metro agent in service at the station.
Punt TMB customer services
There are four Punts TMB in the metro network where you will receive the personalised service you need.
T-mobilitat Kiosks
Get information about T-mobilitat, sign up and buy supports.
Appointment request
Find out which procedures require an appointment and request it for the day and time that suits you.