How to use T-mobilitat
All you need to know to travel in a smart way with public transport.
Support type
To choose the support that's right for you, you need to bear in mind the following:
- On a personalized card or on your mobile phone (with NFC), you can load all tickets, except the T-16.
- The T-16 can only be uploaded onto a specific support, which is also called T-16.
- You can upload the T-casual, T-grup and T-familiar to an anonymous card.
- On the cardboard T-usual card, you can only load the T-usual.
All the supports (including the anonymous card and the cardboard T-usual card) are contactless and reusable. This means that to validate them, you simply touch the support on the NFC reader without needing to put it through the validator. And supports can be reused - you can load whichever ticket you need as long as the support is in working order and is under guarantee. Upload tickets online at TMB App.
What are the benefits of having personalised supports?
The main advantages of personalised supports (a personalised card or mobile) over the anonymous ones (the anonymous card and the cardboard T-usual card) are the following:
- Managing profiles. For this reason the tickets that are for a specific category of user (FM/FN, T-jove, T-16) can only be loaded onto personalised supports.
- In case of loss or theft of supports, you must block your personalized card. When you ask for the duplicate, you will get the ticket back with the number of trips and the remaining period of validity.
- Knowing movements (top-ups) and ticket validations (date, time, transport operator, station, bus line), etc.
Discover all the management advantages and how to manage supports.
The guarantee period for personalised cards is five years: much longer than anonymous cards and cardboard T-usuals, which is just six months.
How do I sign up with T-mobilitat?
You can sign up online with the TMB App or on the TMB Tickets website. You can also book an appointment and do it in person at one of the Punts TMB and at the Quiosc T-mobilitat on the metro network.
You'll find more detailed information in Register for T-mobilitat.
How is the registration of a minor or dependant person managed?
To carry out this procedure, an adult (father, mother, legal guardian) with their own T-mobilitat account must request the registration of the minor or dependent person. The adult will be the account holder and can manage tasks on behalf of the dependent, such as acquiring supports and purchasing tickets.
We recommend requesting the registration and other T-mobilitat services through TMB Tickets or TMB App. On the T-16 page, we explain how to do so.
If you wish to request the registration in person, the father, mother, legal guardian, or another authorised adult must be present. Check the required documentation on the Appointment request form page.
The minor is linked to the adult user as a dependant. When they reach adulthood, the system will activate the option to unlink and become an independent T-mobilitat user.
What should be done when the minor turns 16?
If the minor uses the T-16, it will expire six months after their 16th birthday. Since they are already a T-mobilitat user, the adult responsible for the minor only needs to request the support where the most suitable ticket for the minor can be loaded from the moment they can no longer use the T-16.
Additionally, the system automatically assigns the youth profile to those under 30; there’s no need to request it or complete any additional procedure. With this profile, the T-jove, which is generally the most suitable for them, can be purchased.
This card requires that the support be a personalised T-mobilitat card or the digital wallet. However, minors cannot have a digital wallet. Therefore, the most appropriate support for them is likely the personalised T-mobilitat card, where the T-jove and any other general ticket (like the T-casual) can be loaded.
It is advisable to request the personalised T-mobilitat card in advance and not wait until the end of the year. You can request it with a ticket already loaded or without any ticket and load it later.
I’m under 30 years old, how do I purchase the T-jove with T-mobilitat?
If you are under 30, the system automatically assigns you the youth profile, which allows you to acquire the T-jove. The appropriate supports to load a T-jove ticket are the personalised T-mobilitat card or the digital wallet.
If you are a minor, the registration must be requested by your father, mother, or legal guardian, and if you wish to request the registration in person, an authorised person can also do it. Check section "What you need to know to register minors" on the Appointment request form page.
If you are of legal age, you just need to follow the registration steps on TMB Tickets or TMB App: create a JoTMBé account and register for a T-mobilitat account. From then on, you can manage all T-mobilitat services through these channels.
How do I show that I am from a single-parent family or large family?
If you are a single-parent family or a large family, find out how to register and activate your profile on the page Registration for a single-parent or large-family profile.
Once you have linked the profiles to your T-mobilitat account and your personalised card or mobile, you can buy subsidised tickets until your FM/FN card expires.
I am currently unemployed, how can I apply for the subsidised T-usual?
Check the actions you need to take on the specific page T-usual discounted for people unemployed.
Once you have the profile assigned to your T-mobilitat account, load it onto your personalised card to purchase the subsidised T-usual within the established terms and conditions.
How long does it take for the personalised card to arrive?
The T-mobilitat card will be sent to the address you have indicated within five to ten days. If after this time you have not heard anything, you can write to us via WhatsApp at +34 607 684 087 just so we can answer your questions about T-mobilitat.
How do I activate the personalised card?
What should I do if the support doesn’t work?
If the support stops working, contact us via WhatsApp at 607 684 087 or call us at 900 70 11 49 and we will tell you where to go to resolve your incident.
At the Punts TMB customer service offices you can request a duplicate for any reason. Quiosc T-mobilitat only make duplicates for loss or theft and payment is by credit card.
The duplicate, considered as an exchange, is free, so long as the support has stopped working for reasons beyond the user's control, and it is still under warranty.
If the support is not under warranty or has been damaged by the user, you will have to pay for a new one.
The tickets on the damaged support will be transferred free of charge to the new one.
What do I do if my card gets damaged halfway through my journey?
If your card is damaged once it has been validated, go to one of the face-to-face customer service points that are part of the T-mobilitat project, and ask for a duplicate support.
If you are on the bus network, you will have to purchase an incident ticket and then request a refund of the ticket and the duplicate of the card at the customer service points. You'll need to show the damaged support, the incident ticket and proof of ID in person when you ask for the definitive duplicate.
The duplicate is free of charge whenever the support stops operating for reasons beyond the control of the user and is under warranty. If the support is not under warranty (six months or five years depending on the type of support) or the user has damaged it, they will have to pay for a new one. In any case, you will get the duplicate with the tickets you had on your card before it was damaged.
What should I do if the support or the ticket is blocked?
If you have blocked your card, you can unlock it as long as you have not requested a duplicate. You can request the blocking or unlocking from the personal area of the website and the app, or at any canal d’atenció de la T-mobilitat.
Si la targeta està bloquejada com a conseqüència d’una intervenció de títols, o en desconeixes el motiu, posa’t en contacte amb T-mobilitat customer service.
How does T-mobilitat work on your mobile?
If you have a phone with NFC technology, you can access public transport by validating the ticket with your phone, thanks to the contactless system. In these cases, it is necessary to download a feature called an electronic wallet, which will be automatically linked to your user account and phone, and where purchased tickets are stored.
The use of the electronic wallet requires a one-time payment of 1 euro. We recommend that you always have the latest version of the electronic wallet installed.
You can all the information on Choose your support. Learn also how to use your as a support for the T-mobilitat.
Can I keep the E-wallet if I change my mobile?
If you change your phone to another with NFC technology and have tickets stored on the old phone, you can transfer the tickets to the new phone and keep the same conditions. You just need to unlink the electronic wallet from the old phone and link it to the new one.
Check the step-by-step process in the frequently asked questions about T-mobilitat in the TMB App.
What should I do if I lose my anonymous card?
You can only block and deregister personalised cards. Anonymous cards and cardboard T-usual cards cannot be blocked. In the case of loss or theft, you will lose the tickets and the balance on the card.
What should I do if I lose my personalised card?
If it is lost or stolen, we recommend that you block your personalised card as soon as possible. This way you'll make sure that no one else will be able to use it. You can do this from your personal area on TMB Tickets or at any T-mobilitat customer service. If you find your card later on, you can unblock it through the same channel you used to block it.
If you don't get it back, you can request a duplicate. This procedure can only be done in person at a Punt TMB. Once you have requested a duplicate of your personalised card, you will no longer be able to use the old one, even if you do find it, because you can only have one of each type of support.
To get a duplicate, you have to pay the price of the new support, but you will keep the ticket or tickets you had loaded on the old one.
Travel passes
Can I load any ticket onto the T-mobilitat?
You can load most of integrated fare system of Barcelona ATM travel tickets, except for the T-dia and the T-aire.
Other tickets, such as the single ticket and tickets issued by each operator continue to be issued on cardboard supports with magnetic strips. The way these work is unchanged: they cannot be recharged and must be validated by inserting them into validating machines.
Get informed about the tickets you can charge on Tickets and fares.
Can I get a receipt or invoice for the tickets I buy?
Yes. In the personal area, you can check your purchase history, and download simplified invoices. If you need a full invoice, see the “Invoice request” section in “Terms and conditions of use of tickets,” to find out how and where you can obtain full invoices for ticket purchases via TMB channels.
Where can I check the validity and balance of the ticket?
If you touch your ticket on a mobile with NFC (either Android or iOS), you can check when it was last used, the balance and expiration date, provided it is anonymous, or linked to your user account or to the account of a user you are responsible for.
How many transport tickets can I upload to my support?
- On personalized plastic cards, you can load up to two different tickets.
- If you use the mobile support, you can load a maximum of five tickets, which can be of the same type or different. Make sure to have the latest version of the TMB App and also the e-wallet (Cartera T-mobilitat app).
On both types of support, for each loaded ticket, you can carry one identical backup ticket.
They do not have this new feature: the anonymous cardboard card, the T-16, and the T-metropolitana.
Your support will have a default selected ticket. If you want to change tickets, you can do so from the TMB App or from the vending machines in the metro network (only available for plastic cards). Remember that, when you travel, you must keep the same ticket selected from when you enter the network until you complete your journey.
If I have more than one ticket on the card, how do I select the one I need to travel?
Personalized plastic card
- Scan the card with TMB App and select the ticket you want to travel with.
- If the ticket is not marked as selected, click "Select to validate."
- Bring the card closer to the phone again when instructed. This step is essential to complete the change.
- Bring the card to the ticket validator machine to start your journey.
Mobile support with Android electronic wallet
- Go to the "Mobile" option in the T-mobilitat section and select the ticket you want to travel with.
- If the ticket is not marked as selected, click "Select to validate." The change will be made automatically.
- Bring your phone close to the ticket validator machine to start your journey.
Mobile support with iOS electronic wallet
- Go to the "Mobile" option in the T-mobilitat section and click "Open the e-wallet".
- Place the ticket you want to travel with in the foreground.
- Click "Validate" before bringing your phone close to the ticket validator machine to start your journey.
What can I do if my transport ticket has been blocked?
Ticket inspectors can block your transport ticket if you have a valid personalised ticket but you are not the owner, that is, if the ticket holder’s details do not match your own.
This is because personalised tickets are non-transferable, a person other than the holder is not allowed to use them and they must be accompanied by a valid original document accrediting the holder: DNI, NIE, passport or driving licence. In addition, if the ticket is for large or single-parent families, you must also present your large family or single-parent family card.
You can ask for the block on your ticket to be removed, and you must provide all the details and documents accrediting your identity and your subsidised profile.
- In the case of the T-16, you must submit the application to the Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM).
- In the case of tickets for single-parent or large families, you can do so at Punts TMB within the first 48 hours after the ticket inspection. You do not need to make an appointment to make this request. After 48 hours, the request to remove the block on the ticket must be made to the Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM).
The request to remove blocks on tickets is different from the presentation of claims. Based on the request, a decision will be made whether or not the ticket is unlocked, but the minimum charge still applies. If you wish the case to be closed without having to pay the minimum charge, you will need to make a claim.
See the submission of documents to government bodies, such as Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM) is.
T-16 expiry and purchasing a new ticket
The T-16 stops working six months after the date of the teenager's 16th birthday. From then on, you cannot validate it.
We recommend that a few months before this, you check which transport ticket best suits your needs and purchase the card that allows you to load the new ticket.
While you are still a minor, you cannot use the electronic wallet to validate tickets through the mobile app.
Therefore, you will likely need to purchase a personalised T-mobilitat card. You can buy it empty, without any tickets loaded, and load tickets later.