Exhibition The little story of the metro

A journey of 100 years in drawings.

When: 10.01.2025 to 28.02.2025

Where: Espai Mercè Sala - Fundació TMB

Access: Free entry*

*Validating the transport tiquet

Barcelona celebrates 100 years of the metro: on December 30, 1924, the first train of the Barcelona metro network left the Lesseps station heading towards Passeig de Gràcia. Since then, the city's subway has been growing and adapting to new times.

TMB and the TMB Foundation have created a range of actions that, framed within a large communication campaign, will take place throughout the subway network during 2025: book publications, a variety of events, guided tours, exhibitions, and much more.

One of the most special publications is La petita història del metro, (The little story of the metro, in catalan) a 100-year journey through the magnificent illustrations by Pilarín Bayés and the texts by Daniel Venteo. This book, in addition to bringing both young and old closer to the history of the metro through its explanations, exudes a peculiar tenderness, which we have wanted to bring to the walls of the Espai Mercè Sala.

Whether you have already had the opportunity to get your hands on this book or not, come visit the exhibition and enjoy the journey!

What will I find at the exhibition?

Do you know when the first Barcelona metro line was opened? And how many stations there were?

Did you know that during the Republican Government of Catalonia the metro reached as far as Hospitalet de Llobregat?

Or that during the Spanish Civil War, people often used it as a shelter to protect themselves from bombs?

Did you know that it was not until the early sixties that the metro service was municipalized, becoming the public service that guarantees the universal right to mobility that it is today?

Did you know that in 1992, with the Barcelona Olympic Games, the metro was expanded further, opening the way to Santa Coloma de Gramenet and Badalona?

Did you know that today it has 125 kilometres of track and up to 165 stations, facilitating nearly 280 million trips a year? Or that Line 9, which ends at El Prat airport, is automatic and is one of the most modern in Europe?

The Barcelona metro brings together a thousand and one stories from the past, present and future.

eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona

We explain how to get there!

When: 16.02.2025

Where: Parc de la Ciutadella

If you participate in the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona, get there by public transport. At TMB, we'll take you there.

We recommend accessing the starting point by metro. You can do so from the Arc de Triomf (L1) and Ciutadella - Vila Olímpica (L4) stations.

Check the Journey planner for other transport options.

Get informed about disruptions to bus service and recommended transport.

Important! Keep in mind that large-scale races can affect surface transportation in the city. Check the status of the public transport network before leaving home.

Exclusive transport ticket

Para esta edición, se han editado 30.000 billetes sencillos, que se incluyen en la bolsa del corredor.

TMB, with the major events of the city.

La eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona, con 30.000 participantes, es una de las carreras más importantes que se celebran anualmente en la ciudad.

TMB, como principal operador de transporte público de Barcelona y su área metropolitana, trabaja en el impacto que una celebración de esta magnitud puede tener en la red de transporte. Además, también se implica de forma activa con los eventos, estando presente de forma latente y colaborando a nivel logístico y de marca.

Put yourself in their shoes, not in their seat

Respect the absolute priority in public transport.


In the bus and the metro, the spaces reserved for wheelchairs are reserved for wheelchairs. Additionally, people with disabilities or reduced mobility have absolute priority to sit in the priority seats and to use the elevator.

Put yourself in their shoes, not in their seat.

On the bus and the metro, give absolute priority to those who need it.

From Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona and the Institut Municipal de Persones amb Discapacitat (Municipal Institute of People with Disabilities), we promote the correct use of priority seats, spaces reserved for wheelchairs, and elevators in the city's public transport network.

By giving more visibility to the group of people with reduced mobility and people with disabilities, we hope to raise awareness among users who do not respect these spaces, not always intentionally.

The testimonies in this campaign are real, as their issue is also very real.



Ticket fares starting from 15 January 2025

The 2024 fares are valid until 14 January 2025

Prices effective from 15 January 2025

Ticket 1 zone 2 zones 3 zones 4 zones 5 zones 6 zones
Single ticket* 2,65 € 3,80 € 4,95 € 6,35 € 8,10 € 9,45 €
T-casual 12,55 € 24,65 € 33,55 € 43,15 € 49,55 € 52,70 €
T-usual** 22,00 € 29,65 € 41,60 € 50,90 € 58,35 € 62,55 €
T-dia 11,55 € 17,65 € 22,15 € 24,75 € 27,70 € 31,00 €
T-familiar 11,05 € 20,95 € 29,70 € 38,50 € 44,00 € 46,20 €
T-aire 2,30 € 4,45 € 6,05 € 7,80 € 8,95 € 9,50 €

*At TMB, only single tickets for Barcelona metro and bus can be purchased. These are single one-zone tickets.

**The price of the T-usual already includes the 50% discount.

Price of other tickets

T-4 (price with the 50% discount already applied): 2,15€.

T-jove (one price for all zones, with the 50% discount already applied): 44,00€.

Subsidised T-usual (one price for all zones, with the 50% discount already applied): 5,50€.

Airport ticket (only available for Barcelona metro): 5,70€.

Check the prices for the family discount schemes for single-parent and large families on the Price reduction on transport fares page.

Expiration and exchange of tickets purchased between 15 January 2024 and 14 January 2025


In general, tickets purchased between 15 January 2024 and 14 January 2025 (i.e., before the fare change) can be used until 28 February 2025. The T-jove and T-70/90, in all their variations, can be used until 30 April 2025.


Tickets purchased between 15 January 2024 and 14 January 2025 can be exchanged for 2025 fare tickets. The tickets must not have been validated even once, and the price difference must be paid. The exchange can be requested between 15 January and 30 April 2025.

When travelling by metro, do so safely

We ensure your safety, but you should also avoid actions that could endanger your well-being and the proper functioning of the service.

Never go down to the tracks

Mai no baixis a les vies. No ho facis sota cap concepte.

  • Si has de creuar a l’altra andana, fes-ho utilitzant les escales o els ascensors.
  • Si t’ha caigut algun objecte a la via, acciona l’intèrfon SOS de l’andana i t’ajudarem a recuperar-lo quan sigui possible.
  • Actua cívicament, respecta les instal·lacions.

Baixar a la via, no és la via. Comporta risc de mort.

Do not board the train when the doors are closing

Quan s’activa l’avís de tancament de portes, no es pot entrar ni sortir del vagó.

  • Si arribes a l’andana i el tren fa sonar l’avís de tancament de portes (sonora i visual), és imprescindible que el respectis i esperis el següent tren.

Un cop s’inicï l’avís sonor/visual, ja no s’hi pot pujar.

  • Si ets a bord del tren i t’adones tard que has de baixar, cal que esperis a la següent estació. Quan hi arribis, podràs baixar i tornar enrere fins on volies anar.

Un cop s’inicï l’avís sonor/visual, ja no s’hi pot baixar.

  • Mai no intentis forçar les portes del tren. Hi podries quedar atrapat i patir un accident molt greu.

If you feel unwell on the metro, ask for help

Tant si ets a l’andana com dins el vagó, fer servir l’intèrfon SOS. El metro disposa de 2.300 intèrfons distribuïts a totes les andanes i vestíbuls de les estacions.

  • Quan comencis a trobar-te malament, surt del tren en el possible i demana ajuda a l’intèrfon SOS de l’andana, o mira si algú ho pot fer per tu.
  • Si els símptomes apareixen abans de pujar al tren, queda’t a l’andana i prem el botó SOS de l’intèrfon.
  • Si sospites que una persona està patint una aturada cardíaca, localitza el desfibril·lador a l’andana i segueix les instruccions. La xarxa de metro està cardioprotegida.

More information

Trobaràs més informació a Com es viatja en metro.

When travelling by bus, take it easy

Your journey will be more agile and practical, and you will also make the driver's job easier.

Raise your hand when you want to get on the bus

When you're at the stop and your bus is approaching, raise your hand early enough to let the driver know you want to get on.

The driver will put on the right turn signal to indicate that he will stop and open the first door, or the first and second doors, so that you and the other passengers can get on.

Press the button when you want to get off

When the bus approaches your stop, press the Stop button in advance to notify the driver you want to get off.

An audible alert will sound, and the message Requested Stop will light up inside the vehicle. This lets the driver know there are passengers getting off at the next stop and they will stop accordingly.

More information

You will find more information in How to travel by bus.

Better with AMBici!

The metropolitan electric bicycle

Over 200 stations connecting you to transport and other municipalities, and more than 2,500 100% electric bikes for you to ride comfortably to your destination.

From home to work

Better mobility means traveling healthily while maintaining an active lifestyle with 100% electric bikes equipped with pedal assistance.

To connect with public transport

For a smoke-free city

We are always there

The metro and buses have real-time video surveillance cameras so you can travel safely.

Thanks to video surveillance systems, TMB professionals ensure your safety during all service hours, both on the metro and bus.

Video surveillance in the metro

The metro network has almost 10,000 cameras that are distributed throughout trains and stations, as well as in depots, workshops and other TMB facilities.

These cameras allow users to see what is happening live when they press the SOS or information button on a train or station. The images captured by these video surveillance devices are received by the Metro Control Centre and the Civil Protection and Security Centre.

Video surveillance on the bus

The bus network has more than 4,500 cameras that currently cover practically all of the fleet's regular service.

This video surveillance system allows the Bus Safety Control Center to view images from inside the vehicles in real time, as well as download any of the recordings instantly.

Images available to security forces

The images captured by these video surveillance devices on both the bus and metro networks are recorded and can be reviewed when the Mossos d'Esquadra or other security forces require it.

100% electric bus routes

H16 and V15, zero emission routes.

The canopies of the H16 and V15 lines show specific vinyls that inform that the lines that stop there are served by zero-emission buses.

H16 and V15 are the first fully zero emission bus lines. The H16 line was the first in the city to be completely converted to zero emissions in 2016. The V15 line was also made a zero emission service at the start of 2023.  

Electricbuses are autonomous and fully operational throughout the day, without the need for bulky and heavy batteries. 

The most notable is the vehicle charging system, which is equipped with a folding pantograph device on the roof that is attached to the fast charging points located at the ends of the line. En-route fast charging is combined with slow night-time charging at the depot, where the corresponding equipment has also been installed. 

In addition to having a fast-charge capability while in service, the buses on these lines incorporate significant technological advances and represent a major step forward in terms of the environmental quality and safety levels provided by urban public transport.

Electrification is one of the main axes for renovating and updating Barcelona's urban buses environmentally.

Exhibition QUINCE, Through the Eyes of a Generation

The Street Child Foundation brings visibility to the lives of children surviving in terrible conditions around the world.

When: 06.09.2024 to 31.12.2024

Where: Espai Mercè Sala - Fundació TMB

Access: Free entry*

*Validating the transport tiquet

Street Child Spain Foundation and TMB Foundation present the photography exhibition <em>QUINCE: Through the Eyes of a Generation</em> at Espai Mercè.

This exhibition is a participatory photography project carried out in collaboration with local photographers from Bangladesh, Nepal, Nigeria, Ukraine, and Uganda, who led photographic creation workshops with 15-year-olds in these unique and complex corners of the world. From areas of active conflict and refugee camps to remote communities, this exhibition explores what it means to be 15 years old in drastically different contexts.

The origin of this exhibition is based on a successful pilot participatory photography project by the Street Child Foundation in collaboration with Nigerian independent photographer and filmmaker Nelson Apochi Owoicho, aimed at empowering and inspiring girls at risk of dropping out of school in Nigeria. Later, in each of the countries, Street Child worked with local photographers and partners to organize participatory photography workshops with 15-year-olds.

Alongside the foundation's educational programs in these communities, the training provided them with the opportunity to express themselves through creativity.

The added value of this exhibition lies in the opportunity to offer children and young people, who are the driving force of change and the primary reason for Street Child's existence, an expressive tool and a safe space to tell their own stories. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of their education for their personal development and that of their communities.

With this initiative, TMB Foundation showcases the work of a social entity developing cooperation and development projects, aligning with the TMB Solidarity project, while also focusing on the education of children and adolescents, in line with the TMB Education project.

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